Family Sponsorships: How-To Workshop For Filing Spousal, Common-Law, and Conjugal Applications

CILA is excited to announce our next workshop “Family Sponsorships: How-To”, presented by Adrienne Smith and Aryana Rousseau, on June 20, 2024.

Join two highly respected immigration lawyers of the Canadian Immigration Bar for an informative workshop on tips for filing a family sponsorship applications under the categories of spouse (FC1), common-law partner (FCC), and conjugal partner (FCE).

Attend this workshop to find out:

  • Deciding whether to file inside or outside Canada.
  • Determining the best category: Common-law, Conjugal, or Spousal.
  • Assessing the sponsor’s eligibility.
  • Gathering supporting documents (including tips on definitions, genuineness of relationship, proof of employment for self-employed sponsors, obtaining police clearances, addressing accompanying children, etc.).
  • When to include an application for an open work permit.
  • Uploading the application and using the PR portal effectively.
  • Timelines for processing and key milestones (including acknowledgment and the ability to file an open work permit).
  • CSQ process and timing.
  • The PR landing process.


Jun 20 2024


Eastern Time
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm




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